How to Preserve Food Without Refrigeration

5 Simple Ways Of protecting Food Without Power 
By Elvie Look .

I'm not an "specialist" in food stockpiling, yet I'm hitched to an up in man the Northwest Domains and lived off the land. Because of their segregation, there was no "new" food acquired after the last flatboat toward the finish of summer, and before the primary barge in May/June. He grew up without refrigeration in his initial years. This is the thing that I gained from Ken and his accounts. 

One story he tells if of happening upon a singular man going by kayak set up camp on the banks of the Mackenzie Stream. It was viewed as legitimate northern manners to determine the status of whomever you met on the stream on the off chance that they required assistance. His father was a wildlife superintendent working for the public authority. They halted and took a break of day with the voyager. Ken's father inquired as to whether he wanted anything. Ken could understand the reason why he asked him, on the grounds that the man was from Norway and had nothing for food with the exception of a huge square of cheddar and dry bread. According to his father's perspective this man was starving! This voyager demanded he was okay and communicated appreciation for the deal, however he declined it. Ken took in something from that experience. 

I asked Ken… . how is it possible that he would keep cheddar without refrigeration? Before I answer how this explorer fared, we should discuss how to store food without a refrigerator or cooler. All things considered, individuals of the north have been confronted with doing exactly that for a really long time. 

Ken said it is exceptionally straightforward, there are just three different ways to store nourishment for any time span. There are a couple for brief periods, yet to store for a colder time of year, just three: 

1. Freezing .

This obviously is not difficult to do up north, the entire outside is your cooler in winter. You simply need to guard it from natural life. I saw a narrative once about a recluse in the wild who developed a storage space high in the trees and a stepping stool to get ready. This protected it from the natural life, and he was all around took care of every winter! 

2. Canning .

On the off chance that you don't have power, this is conceivable on a wood oven, however it would be an extended (yet compelling) process. You can deal with anything: meat, vegetables, stews, natural product, fish and sweet like carrot pudding. Here are some extremely broad canning tips: 

The containers and tops should be sanitized first, by bubbling for a couple of moments. 

Then, at that point, add what you need to can, add bubbled water, and a few flavors. 

Leave something like 1/4 inch space at the top. 

Fix the top, then, at that point, slacken a quarter turn. This will permit space for the air to leave. 

Submerse in water and bubble for the necessary measure of time. 

Expression of alert, beans require 3-4 hours. 

A high strain canner is great, it cuts the time by at minimum half. 

Take out, fix the tops and let cool totally. 

Guarantee that all containers have fixed – the tops will be curved. 

[Editor's Note: Assuming you've never canned food, it's important that you get a strong book on canning and protecting and utilize the plans there, initially – or find somebody who is knowledgeable about this technique for food conservation. It's easy, however there are a few things you want to know as you go through the interaction to protect the food to eat. There's no educator like experience!] 

3. Getting dried out .

Nearly everything can be got dried out (dried), straightforward. The Primary Countries individuals up north dry their meat and fish by hanging it, and smoke it to keep the bugs off. The meat will keep going for the rest of the warm months and all winter, every winter. They as a rule ate it with no guarantees, dried. Be that as it may, I would dare to figure you could rehydrate it with water assuming you needed to… gee, presently there is an examination. You can buy dried natural product, mushrooms, vegetables, and hydrate them, so why not meat? 

Up north they utilized a teepee for smoking (and still do much of the time) – there were racks worked between the teepee poles and the fish swung from that point. A fire beneath was continued to seethe the entire day. It shifts on what amount of time it requires. For instance, in case it was coming down and moist, it would take longer, yet other than that, it very well may be done in one day. 

When the food was dried, the meat and fish were simply wrapped together, attached with a string and put away in a distribution center. 

Any place you will store your dried food, you should think about two things: 

You should keep them liberated from bugs; and 

Be certain they have a lot of air. 

Since when you seal the item, it will probably turn sour. 

At the point when we were first hitched, I bought a dehydrator and took a stab at drying organic product for a couple of seasons, similar to apples, bananas and berries. I have an extraordinary granola formula where subsequent to baking the oats with nuts, honey and coconut, I add dried natural product. (click for the formula) You could likewise utilize your stove. You can have a wood stove and a wood dehydrator – as these would run without power. 

Presently there are different techniques to assist with keeping food, however this is for more limited timeframes. 

4. Salt Protected .

All throughout the planet, meat is protected with salt, hence the introduction of wiener. Yet, hotdog doesn't keep going long without cooling. 

5. Vacuum Stuffed .

Canning is essentially vacuum pressing in sterile climate, that is the reason it functions admirably. I hoped to check whether you can vacuum seal without power and tracked down this:

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